Witnessing Allah Saying, ‘Here I Am’

Witnessing Allah Saying, ‘Here I Am’

I was listening to my girlfriend recite Surah Ya Seen — the 36th chapter of the Holy Qur’an whose recitation is meant to help ease the transition of the human soul from this realm to the next — to a beloved auntie of ours in the hospital tonight when I heard Surah...
My Mother-in-Law’s Pakoray

My Mother-in-Law’s Pakoray

It’s still a few hours before any hint of twilight when my mother-in-law pulls herself up off the couch, murmuring with a sense of urgency, “I need to start getting the pakora batter ready for iftar.” “Relax, Mama,” I tell her. “It won’t be the end of the world if the...
Words of Love from Ustadh Usama Canon

Words of Love from Ustadh Usama Canon

I was blessed to be able to attend the Mawlid at Ta’leef with Sidi Usama Canon on Sunday night. After I came home, I decided to type up what I remembered from his words and share them with my sons, who are studying in Jordan, my family in Southern California, and a...