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25 Years’ Worth of Marriage Advice
In Celebration of Her Silver Jubilee...
The Powerful Dua of a Parent
In the name of Allah, the most...
Raising Children with Deen and Dunya
I still vividly remember the first...
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A personal Message from Hina Khan-Mukhtar
Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu (may the peace and mercy and blessings of God be upon you).
When my first son was born in 1997, I searched in vain for any book or workshop or lecture that could offer me tips and advice on how best to raise Muslim children in the West to one day grow up to be pious, practicing believers. Not finding anything of value in libraries or bookstores, I turned instead to the “success stories” of wise and experienced elders who came before me. I sought out role models and then asked them questions and learned from their examples.
Over time, I have shared the gems that I gathered from these senior parents with other parents who were also battling in the trenches (just like me) to try to secure their kids’ minds, hearts, and souls in an often confusing, turbulent, and fast-changing world. These lists of collected “do’s and don’ts” have been chronicled in articles, lectures, podcasts, and workshops that have been presented in mosques, schools, and webinars around the country. Time and time again, people have asked for a website to which they could be directed — one place where they could access all of my writing and presentations on marriage, parenting, and the nurturing of spirituality in children and interfaith friendships.
This is that website.
I pray that people find only that which benefits them and their families on this site. My goal is only to share that which has helped me in my own marital, parenting, and spiritual journeys. Please keep my family and me in your duas (prayers) as you all are in mine. We need to be a strong network of support for one another, and the two biggest gifts we can offer each other are (1) prayers and (2) good advice. I hope you will find both here, insha’Allah (God willing)!